
Monday, September 26, 2011

Goya scene

Goya scene, Ricardo Leite Lopes and Tatiana Simões playing.

 Writer for Isa Vianna, adaptation of the movie GOYA of the Carlos Saura.Orietation Prof. Carmem Gadelha.
Première II Mostra de Teatro da UFRJ, in House Of The Sciense, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 2002. Event Creation and Production Project Graduation and University Extension: Dr. Walter Lima Torres
Direction: Isa Vianna
Ricardo Leite Lopes
Tatiana Simões
Caio Júlio 
Natália Amorim
Costume Designer:
Natália Amorim
Ligthner Designer:
Isa Vianna
Ana Beatriz Figueiras
Natália Amorim
Production: Isa Vianna and
Natália Amorim

Costume Designer 

Essay 10 Anos de Direção Teatral na ECO\UFRJ - 35 Anos da Escola de Comunicação

Natalia Amorim with Tatiana Simões and Rafaela Amorim. 2003- Casa da Ciência / UFRJ

With friens course performing arts, and teachers Dr. Angela Leite Lopes, Walter Lima Torres and Dr.Antonio Guedes.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


By Federico Garcia Lorca

Five sisters dressed in black fight and bitch in their prison of a house. Their mother Bernarda rules over them trying to control their every move under the heat of the Andaluz sun. Her eldest daughter is to be married to the infamous Pepe el Romano. The only thing that stands in her way is her sisters.

Lorca's moving, funny, epic tragedy on family life is set against a backdrop of the oppression of Franco's Spain in 1936. Just months after completing the play he was shot dead.


Actors of the Sarcômicos Art Company

Rodrigo Reinoso and Sidclay Batista in action